Friday, April 27, 2012





我很爱吃鱼丸, 是很典型的潮州妹. 每次买包装鱼丸回来煮, 不止觉得买的鱼丸掺了很多粉, 而且买回来的量又少, 吃不够喉.

自己学会了做鱼丸后, 偶尔有到维多利亚女皇市场(QUEEN VICTORIA MARKET), 便会多买些鱼肉回来自己弄. 一般我都是只买一片片的鱼肉, 所以不用刮鱼肉. 至于应该买哪一种鱼肉, 我倒是不一定, 每次都不一样. 自己做鱼丸, 蒸好后马上可以吃个十几粒, 真爽!!




盐3茶匙 (原食谱用了5茶匙, 但太咸了. 可能大家用了不一样的茶匙. 我用的是量粉的茶匙)

水400毫升 (OHBIN的食谱里用的是绞鱼, 如果用不同的鱼, 下的水就不一样, 所以水可以慢慢下)

味精半茶匙 (可以不放)


1. 将鱼肉切成小方块用绞肉器绞碎. 我用了MINI CHOPPER.
2. 将绞好的鱼肉用搅拌器(MIXER)打至幼滑. 要用这一个来打.
2. 加入调味料A,快速度打至起胶.
3. 加入调味料B,再打至起胶.
4. 加入调味料C拌均匀.
5. 手湿水,抓起鱼胶,挤出鱼丸(抓紧拳头的姿势).
6. 用汤匙挖起鱼丸丢进沸水里煮至浮起即可.


 ~ 下调味料时可以先不要下得太咸. 煮一粒来试试看, 如果觉得太淡再多下一些, 把味道调好.
~ 我家还没买MIXER, 所以没有用MIXER来打. 我是用了一只大木汤匙, 然后用手不停搅拌, 模仿MIXER的搅拌方式. 手会蛮累的.
~ 我也没用握拳头的方式挤出鱼丸. 而是一只手用汤匙挖鱼胶, 另一只手湿水后把挖好的鱼胶稍微捻成圆型, 然后放在盘子上.
~ 我没用水煮鱼丸, 而是整盘拿去蒸. 大概蒸十分钟左右. 蒸好后待冷便可以用几个盒子把鱼丸分批装好, 放进冰箱的冷藏室. 千万要记得不要放进冷冻室冷冻. 
~ 尽量在一星期左右把鱼丸吃完. 可以煮鱼丸汤, 煮汤面, 炒面或请亲友吃等等.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

薄饼 (Buttermilk Pancakes)

实验还没成功. 左边的PANCAKES所煎出来的双面都是颜色不均匀的. 右边的PANCAKES只能煎到单面的颜色完全金黄, 后面那面则同样上色不均.

 实验成功. PANCAKES的两面同样煎到颜色金黄, 而且PANCAKES吃起来很松软.

我最爱的吃法: 抹了牛油, 淋上蜜糖/MAPLE SYRUP, 然后再洒上肉桂粉(GROUND CINNAMON).

每次看到人家食谱里的PANCAKE煎到如此金黄美丽, 总是很羡慕. 搞不懂自己的为何老是煎得那么不好看. 但是羡慕归羡慕, 我倒是没有特地去找出原因. 

直到有一天看了食谱A, 照做了两次, 只成功煎到单面金黄. 几天前又在某面粉包装上发现了食谱B, 稍微调整了一下食谱, 终于煎出了理想中的PANCAKE. 无论是口感或是颜色都做对了.

Serves 3


1 cups plain flour
1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 egg, seperated
1 cup buttermilk
1 tablespoon honey
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence


1. In a bowl,  whisk egg yolk, buttermilk, honey and vanilla essence until well combined. 
2. Sift/ Add flour, bicarbonate of soda and salt into the above bowl and mix until smooth.
3. Using an electric mixer, beat egg white until soft peaks form. Mix 1/4 of the egg white through the batter, then gently fold in the remaining egg white.
4. Heat a non-stick pan on medium-low heat, drop half ladle of batter onto the pan. Cook until bubbles starts to appear  on the upper side or until underside is golden. Turn pancake over and cook other side. 
5. Keep warm while cooking remaining pancakes. Repeat with remaining batter.
6. Serve warm with butter, honey and ground cinnamon.


~ 想要把PANCAKE煎到全面金黄, 一定要让它受热均匀. 在头两次煎时, 我有为煎锅抹油, 不过反而因为有油和没油的地方受热不均而煎到PANCAKE有一圈一圈的白/褐颜色.所以第三次煎时, 我没抹油, 反而成功了.
~ 这个食谱的另一个特点是把鸡蛋分开打. 把蛋白打至软性发泡. 然后用FOLD IN 方式把两者混合. 出来的效果反而比用全蛋来打发的的面糊好. 所以打蛋白和FOLD IN的做法要学好. 而且也因为搅拌好后的面糊很轻, 让面糊煎时受热更均匀而煎到双面金黄.


Monday, April 23, 2012

烧肉 (Roast Pork)

来了墨尔本后, 试煮了很多以前在洛桑没煮过的东西. 理由很简单, 因为这儿要买材料很容易, 不需要搭火车到苏黎世去抬. 只要你在买之前上网做做功课, 不论是哪一国的食材, 应该都不难找到.

这一次做了些烧肉, 第一次居然做成了. 当然还有待改善的地方, 不过成绩还是很让人鼓舞的.

食谱是从原作者那儿抄来的, 所以不翻译了.


2 kg pork belly, skin on with no bones
2 tablespoons salt (我只用1.5大匙)

Bottom marinade:

1/2 tablespoon seasoned pepper (Ajishio) (这个我没放, 你也可以用味精来代替)
1/2 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon 5 spice powder
5 large cloves of garlic (smashed with some salt from the above allocated 1/2 tablespoons salt into paste)
2 cubes of 'Nam Yu' (南乳)
4-5 tablespoon Chinese cooking wine/ Shao Xing

To brush on pork skin (later during roasting):

2 tablespoons rice vinegar


1. On the meat side, make shallow cuts (about 1 cm deep and 1.5 cm apart across the length of the meat).
2. Mix bottom marinade together. Rub the underbelly with marinade, massage into every nook and cranny.
3. Overturn pork and put on salt. Rub and rub only on the skin.
4. Place pork into fridge, skin side up, uncovered.
5. The next day, preheat oven at 200 degrees Celsius.
6. Prepare and elevated roasting rack with a pan underneath.
7. Roast pork for 40 minutes.
8. Remove pork from oven, and turn up the temperature to 250 degrees Celsius (grill/ top heat only).
9. Prick holes all over pork skin with a sharp knife or a bunch of needles, as much as you can.
10.Brush vinegar over pork skin. Change the tray underneath/ clean it.
11.Return pork to oven and bake for another 40 minutes or until the skin is slightly charred.


~ 由于清洗的部分真的很麻烦, 所以千万别只做一公斤的肉, 起码要做两公斤才划算.
~ 烤箱里如果有多余没用的铁架或烤盘, 记得要先拿出来才不会烤完肉后还有洗不完的东西.
~ 为猪皮抹盐时要尽量别把盐抹到下面的肉. 不然, 旁边的肉会太咸.
~ 烤烧肉时可以用锡纸包着肉, 只剩下皮, 这样一来烤好的肉才不会太干.
~ 砍烧肉时记得要等肉冷却, 一刀砍下去, 才不会皮肉分开.
~ 为猪皮刺孔时小心别刺太大力以免刺穿皮至肥肉层, 那样烤出来的烧肉皮会不脆. 不晓得为什么有些食谱会在腌肉之前为猪皮刺孔, 有些食谱则在烤肉烤到一半时, 拿出来再刺. 不过, 烤之前刺的孔会没那么容易刺穿, 而烤到一半的做法则因为猪皮已经半熟所以较容易刺穿, 因此下手刺时千万要轻手. 我自己是烤前和烤一半后都有刺孔.



Tuesday, April 10, 2012

第一个夹心蛋糕 (My First Layer Cake)


中间的奶油太厚, 上面和旁边的却太薄.


买来装蛋糕的盒子正好贴了张同样装饰的蛋糕贴纸. 当然, 它的美多了.

这是我第一次做有奶油的蛋糕, 想说试看三个月后能不能帮我的宝贝做一个来庆祝生日. 出来的水准当然和买的相差十千八里远, 不过可以吃啦! 因为我懒惰把所买的罐头水蜜桃片切薄些, 所以中间的那层奶油被逼涂得跟另外那两层蛋糕一样厚. 做这蛋糕时已经是傍晚了. 快手脚把海绵蛋糕烤好后, 也等不及它完全冷却就开始抹奶油了. 由于是自己人吃的关系, 糖份减了很多, 淡淡的反而觉得不腻好吃, 当下我们二大一小便干掉半个蛋糕当晚餐. 大家都吃得笑眯眯.

这蛋糕的食谱我直接从原作者那儿抄了过来. 大家可以到她的网页看看, 里边的图片会让你更了解海绵蛋糕的做法.

(make a 20cm round cake)

4 eggs, bring to room temperature
100g caster sugar (我只用了70克, 觉得小孩吃的不用太甜 )
4g salt (这个没量, 大概放了1/4小匙)
140g cake flour
30g salad oil**
30g fresh milk

Filling & Frosting:
1 cup non-dairy whipping cream (我用了一大罐600ML 的THICKENED CREAM, 加一大匙半-1 1/2 TABLESPOONS 的糖来打成WHIPPED CREAM. 打好的CREAM只是微甜, 爱甜的人请在打时多下一些糖.)
1 can peach slices

  1. Sift cake flour, set aside. Grease and line a 20cm round pan, set aside. Pre-heat oven to 180degC. Position rack at the lower bottom of the oven.
  2. With an electric mixer, whisk eggs and sugar & salt on HIGH speed for about 5 to 7 mins, until the batter double in volume and is ribbon-like (the beater should leave a ribbon-like texture when the batter is lifted up). Turn to LOW speed and whisk for another 1 to 2 mins. Whisking at low speed helps to stabilise the air bubbles in the batter.
  3. Add sifted cake flour into the batter. With a spatula, gently fold in the flour until well blended.
  4. With a spatula, mix about 1/3 of the batter with the salad oil in a separate bowl. Fold in this mixture into the remaining batter. This method will help to ensure the oil will be fully blended and at the same time will not deflate the batter.
  5. Add in fresh milk and fold in gently with spatula.
  6. Pour the batter into the pan and bake for 35 mins, or until a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean. Unmold and cool completely.
Assemble the cake
  1. With an electric mixer, whip the whipping cream still stiff.
  2. Slice the cake horizontally into 3 layers. Place one of the cake layers cut-side down on a cake plate.
  3. Spread the whipped cream over the layer. Arrange rings of peach slices to cover the whole layer. Fill with some more whipped cream. Top with the second cake layer, cut-side up.
  4. Repeat step 3 for the second cake layer. Top with the third layer.
  5. Spread the whipped cream over the top and side of the cake. Decorate as desired.
(**Note: Salad oil is a term which I have translated from the Chinese recipe. It refers to vegetable oil. You can use sunflower oil, canola oil, olive oil, as long as the type of oil you use doesn't give a strong smell.)


~ 请在做蛋糕前, 上网看看, 把做蛋糕常用的FOLD IN技巧学好. 这样出来的蛋糕才会又松又软. 做不好这步骤的话, 蛋糕会很硬, 不发, 甚至烤不熟.
~ 打WHIPPED CREAM和抹奶油的步骤也可以看看以下附上的链接.
~ 打奶油前我把要用的工具全都放进冰箱里冷冻.
~ 中间的水果片别太厚.



Wednesday, April 4, 2012

随意蛋饼(Quiche again)

从来就不知道QUICHE的中文名叫蛋饼. 这一次的这个随意蛋饼所用的材料都是从冰箱里的剩菜就地取材. 有南瓜, 西兰花, 培根, 蒜片, 洋葱丁, 韭葱/扁葱(LEEK)和三文鱼肉. 没想到出来的味道竟然出奇的好. 不过, 还有最重要的一样材料是原味优格/酸奶(PLAIN YOGURT). 我把原食谱的鲜奶油(FRESH CREAM)换成了原味酸奶, 所以吃起来便不腻了. 我用的是很浓稠的GREEK YOGURT, 如果你们家的YOGURT比较水那可能在准备蛋糊时应该加入一至二汤匙面粉或粟米粉让它浓稠.

其实这蛋饼真的很容易做. 在家烤一个, 不但口味可以很多元化, 也比外面买的健康. 除了没那么咸, 还可以下很多蔬菜, 新鲜鱼或肉. 好吃到连我老公都说以后不出去买了. 家里如果有小孩, 他们肯定会喜欢吃, 而且还不自觉的吃了很多蔬菜.
