这是我第一次做有奶油的蛋糕, 想说试看三个月后能不能帮我的宝贝做一个来庆祝生日. 出来的水准当然和买的相差十千八里远, 不过可以吃啦! 因为我懒惰把所买的罐头水蜜桃片切薄些, 所以中间的那层奶油被逼涂得跟另外那两层蛋糕一样厚. 做这蛋糕时已经是傍晚了. 快手脚把海绵蛋糕烤好后, 也等不及它完全冷却就开始抹奶油了. 由于是自己人吃的关系, 糖份减了很多, 淡淡的反而觉得不腻好吃, 当下我们二大一小便干掉半个蛋糕当晚餐. 大家都吃得笑眯眯.
这蛋糕的食谱我直接从原作者那儿抄了过来. 大家可以到她的网页看看, 里边的图片会让你更了解海绵蛋糕的做法.
(make a 20cm round cake)
4 eggs, bring to room temperature
100g caster sugar (我只用了70克, 觉得小孩吃的不用太甜 )
4g salt (这个没量, 大概放了1/4小匙)
140g cake flour
30g salad oil**
30g fresh milk
Filling & Frosting:
1 cup non-dairy whipping cream (我用了一大罐600ML 的THICKENED CREAM, 加一大匙半-1 1/2 TABLESPOONS 的糖来打成WHIPPED CREAM. 打好的CREAM只是微甜, 爱甜的人请在打时多下一些糖.)
1 can peach slices
- Sift cake flour, set aside. Grease and line a 20cm round pan, set aside. Pre-heat oven to 180degC. Position rack at the lower bottom of the oven.
- With an electric mixer, whisk eggs and sugar & salt on HIGH speed for about 5 to 7 mins, until the batter double in volume and is ribbon-like (the beater should leave a ribbon-like texture when the batter is lifted up). Turn to LOW speed and whisk for another 1 to 2 mins. Whisking at low speed helps to stabilise the air bubbles in the batter.
- Add sifted cake flour into the batter. With a spatula, gently fold in the flour until well blended.
- With a spatula, mix about 1/3 of the batter with the salad oil in a separate bowl. Fold in this mixture into the remaining batter. This method will help to ensure the oil will be fully blended and at the same time will not deflate the batter.
- Add in fresh milk and fold in gently with spatula.
- Pour the batter into the pan and bake for 35 mins, or until a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean. Unmold and cool completely.
- With an electric mixer, whip the whipping cream still stiff.
- Slice the cake horizontally into 3 layers. Place one of the cake layers cut-side down on a cake plate.
- Spread the whipped cream over the layer. Arrange rings of peach slices to cover the whole layer. Fill with some more whipped cream. Top with the second cake layer, cut-side up.
- Repeat step 3 for the second cake layer. Top with the third layer.
- Spread the whipped cream over the top and side of the cake. Decorate as desired.
~ 请在做蛋糕前, 上网看看, 把做蛋糕常用的FOLD IN技巧学好. 这样出来的蛋糕才会又松又软. 做不好这步骤的话, 蛋糕会很硬, 不发, 甚至烤不熟.
~ 打WHIPPED CREAM和抹奶油的步骤也可以看看以下附上的链接.
~ 打奶油前我把要用的工具全都放进冰箱里冷冻.
~ 中间的水果片别太厚.
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